If you need assistance regarding your submission entry process we have a Ask Me Anything session (10-11 AM and 5-6 PM on both days)
As the submission can only be done ONCE, do ask away, before you submit the PDF document.
Hours: 10:00-11:00 AM to 5:00-6:00 PM
Zoom Link:

Day 0

Launch Event

Top 3 Problem Statement is released to the public, via all online channels

Online registration portal for MYStartup Hackathon opens

Wide promotions across the startups & tech community in the country

Day 1

Launch Ceremony

Briefing session on MYStartup Hackathon and all the programme’s terms & conditions

Online coaching with the programme’s coaches & mentors

Program Launching by GCEO Cradle

Day 1 - 3

3 Days Hackathon

Mixture of Masterclass Session & 1-on-1 Coaching & Mentoring Sessions

All sessions are done on MYHackathon mentoring platform (browser based)

Hackathon closes on Day 3, 11:59:59PM

Day 4 - 5

Finalists Shortlisting

Selection for 12 Top Finalists (Top 4 for every Problem Statement)

Day 6

Finalists Announcement Day

Selection for 9 Top Finalists (Top 3 for every Problem Statement)

Day 7

Final Pitching Bootcamp

Final Pitching Online Bootcamp to prep finalists

Day 9

Final Pitching Session

9AM – 12PM

Final Pitch Session by all top finalists

Judging Deliberations

12PM – 1PM

PETRONAS Head Judge + Cradle Head Judge + MYVentures Team

Winners Announcement & Prize Giving

1PM – 2PM

Winners announcement & prize giving ceremony by GCEO Cradle & PETRONAS Digital VIP